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India Giving Its Submarine to Myanmar To Counter China.

India Giving Its Submarine to Myanmar To Counter China.

Ministry of External Affairs announced India will handover kilo class INS Sindhuvir submarine to the Myanmar Navy. The official spokesperson of MEA Anurag Srivastava said that the submarine deal will be the first of the Southeast Asian country and the move is in line with the Indian vision that aspires to guarantee security for all maritime partners.

This is will be the first submarine to Myanmar Navy. INS Sindhuvir is kilo class Submarine had been taken from USSR in 1980s. The submarine was modarinized and refit at Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) in Vizag. India has also agreed on terms of training and service to first time operating Mayanmar Navy. Myanmar Navy is taking INS Sindhuvir in lease. 

India last year had delivered the first batch of Advanced Light Torpedo 'Shyena'. These Torpedo known as TAL is been manufactured here in India by Bharat Dynamic Limited. These are lightweight antisubmarine torpedo and has been developed and designed by Naval Science and Technological Laboratory of DRDO. India's military cooperation between the two countries has been growing ever since then. 

Everything About Kilo Class Submarine INS Sindhuvir.

These are kilo class diesel-electric submarines and in India, these are active in service as Sindhughosh class submarines. The Submarines was built by USSR under Project 877 in year 1980s. The submarines have a displacement of 3,000 tonnes, a maximum diving depth of 300 meters, the top speed of 18 knots, and are able to operate solo for 45 days with a crew capacity of 53.

What The Deal Means For India.

In year 2017 India faced a big deplomatic failure where China sold two Ming-class submarines to Bangladesh in a $200 million deal. This totaly made Bangladesh Navy dependent on China for maintenance of its naval assets, its feature weapons plans where all in hands of China. This came as a sudden surprise to India, Bangladesh is a country which is dependent on India but sudden shift in Navy shocked India.

With this deal India ensured Myanmar do not go to China and this becames again a delopmatic win to China. India is countering China in all medium as such today.

What The Deal Means For Myanmar.
Docking Shipyard For Submarine Being Built By China

Myanmar shares its border with North-East India, Bangladesh and China. It has a maritime border with Bangladesh and India. In 2017 Bangladesh Inducted two Submarine Taken from China and Started building submarine docking port in Cox's Bazar which is very near to Mynamar boundary. Cox's Bazar port is in process of development done by China. But all this incident has come up ever since the Rohingya incident has happened. So counter it Myanmar wanted a submarine to Myanmar Navy.

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