Nobel Medicine Prize 2020 Awarded to 3 Scientist on Oct 5th, 2020 Named Harvey J Alter, Michael Houghton, and Charles M Rice for the discovery of the Hepatitis C Virus.
Hepatitis C Virus is a Blood-Borne Virus and Causes Hepatitis C World Wide and 4,00,000 deaths each year. The disease is a Chronic and Major Cause of Liver inflammation and Cancer.
As per Scientist, there are 3 Types of Viral Hepatitis like Hepatitis A Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus.
So 3 Awarded Scientists are Spoken on Award Function about Hepatitis C Virus.
"Harvey J Alter said The methodical Studies of transfusion-associated hepatitis by Harvey J Alter demonstrated that an unknown virus was a common cause of chronic hepatitis".
"Michael Houghton Used an untested strategy to isolate the genome of the new virus that was named Hepatitis Virus".
"Charles M Rice Provided showing that Hepatitis C Virus alone could cause Hepatitis"
The Three scientists told their discoveries have helped design sensitive blood tests that eliminate the risk or transfusion-transmitted hepatitis.
It has also helped develop antivirus drugs directed at Hepatitis C.This has now raised hopes of eradicating the virus from the world population.
Hepatitis C Virus is the Most Dangerous Virus and Its a Small size enveloped Virus and Hepatitis C is Liver Caused Disease and its a common type of Viral disease and it causes viral inflammation in Human Body.